Beach in Wales
I have never seen one but I have heard they exist in the minds of some people”
Thor Heyerdahl
Beautiful Pendle Hill Lancashire
I have never seen one but I have heard they exist in the minds of some people”
Thor Heyerdahl
‘I do not want a pretty picture to represent my teachings but a symbol of power courage and strength.’
This Viking ship with its shields of strength and protection is my own intuitive discovery of self care. The voyage and start of Nordic Shield Mindfulness. This is the name I feel represents my own personal journey to help others stand strong and learn about mindfulness to protect their own health and well-being.
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is learning how to create a foundation for developing human growth and potential . When we practice we can learn how this ancient tradition can help us build techniques for self care. The Nordic countries are home to traditions where relaxation and mind calming are very important. This helps contribute to a healthier society and a happier one. We can certainly learn how Nordic living and the practice of mindfulness can help maintain harmony in our lives. Being mindful is not just meditation but changing our everyday activities to feel calmer and more relaxed My teaching shows how we can all achieve balance with the right techniques and understanding of the practice.
With practice it alters neural networks in the brain to change by deleting the neural connections that are no longer necessary or useful, and strengthening the ones that increase optimal health. Modern science calls it ‘Neuroplasticity’ Simply put if we are anxious, stressed, dealing with health issues and difficulties in our lives we can change and grow to deal with them. Like putting up a shield of protection.

Here are some lovely comments from ladies attending our events and workshops
Really enjoyed the practice and learning health and wellbeing. Great event looking forward to the next one
Great lessons learnt. I didn’t realise I needed the movement until we did it. The shield really worked , what a great idea. It really made me think about what was bothering me and releasing it. Helen and Heather are amazing. Can I have a shield!
Very enjoyable, useful tools to take away especially to use the shield!
I share and teach from my own experience learning mindfulness can change lifes. Practice can change the way we live to become happier and healthier. Awareness of how simple things can help. At the core of my approach I use research into how neuroscience and Nordic Living connect with the ancient tradition to develope a solid base to self care.
To be able to anchor our minds in calmer waters and learn new techniques to ride the storms will enhance our physical and mental health
It comes from my personal Scandinavian link to the philosophy that I practice and teach.
‘Hygge’ meaning well-being . My link to Denmark and being the happiest nation.
With me, learn how to connect to your inner warrior spirit, achieve clarity, peace and overcome life’s difficulties.
For me this was my Shield my protection my mindfulness practice to hold up protect myself by having a clear sense of direction and knowing I can and you too can sail into a calmer and more peaceful life.
Living my life with a chronic illness I had a vision. I saw the beautiful Osberg Viking ship in Norway. Studying the science of mindfulness and learning how Nordic counties put their health and well-being first started my journey. My metaphor was building my own ship of mindfulness skills. My shield of mindfulness to protect my health and well-being. After completing a Health Science degree and many years of teaching health related studies, I had heard that mindfulness was a very powerful tool in helping physical and mental health conditions and how it could change your life so I completed Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy course at the Oxford Mindfulness Centre at Oxford University. The day I finished I knew I would start to put into practice what I had learnt and how it made me feel and teach others.

We are not always in control of the waves of life but we can have the power to accept what unfolds. Hence a viking ship heading into a storm. For me this was the storm of a chronic illness. I became unwell after a very successful professional career of 20 years. The very water that was keeping my ship afloat began to toss it about and I lost control.
I want people to know that you don’t have to ‘lower your shield of defense and accept defeat ‘ to overcome chronic illness and difficulties in life in order to be successful. I want to tell a motivational story of somebody struggling with long-term illness, then rising up to ‘conquer ’ and ‘overcome’ their difficulties. In reality, the journey particularly when you’re dealing with a fluctuation in symptoms can be like sailing a ship to your destination, calm waves and stormy ones. Not easy ! So I share my personal journey with my practical advice and personal intuition . My own intuitive discovery of mindfulness and its powerful healing. When it comes to working with a long-term condition, to do this you have to take control of your own life, inhabit your body and mind to be in calm water, to align with your body and mind to take care of yourself with the powerful tool of mindfulness.
All photos are taken in places I have been in reflection of my journey of mindfulness strength

Beach in Wales

Beautiful Pendle Hill Lancashire
All photos are taken in places I have been in reflection of my journey of mindfulness strength
Zoom in and learn the power of Mindfulness!
Dates to be arranged for 2024.
You will be sent a link.
Each week I will take you to my guided teachings helping you learn about mindfulness. If you have never tried it and want to see what it all about, this is a great way to start your own journey.
I will explain how Mindfulness can improve our well-being and discuss my own experience and how it can really help you take more care of yourself.
One to one sessions, Personal friend Groups, company groups. via zoom or in person.
You may like to try One to One sessions with me or together with friends and small groups over zoom or in person. We could work with things they may be difficult right now in your life or just learning about mindfulness.
I would love to show you how I have learned so much from my training of mindfulness and share tools and new techniques to feeling stronger and healthier.
Please contact me to discuss.
Here is a sample of a meditation to calm and ground you in the present moment. Enjoy!
Mindfulness for the nervous system
How I can help you
How we can work together

One to One Sessions

group Sessions

Remote Sessions